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At JKScientists, we believe that access to quality education is of immense importance. To realize this, the JKS Outreach program was created to disseminate information and knowledge to our student community. The Outreach is one of the signature programs of JKScientists through which we are committed to mentoring and helping our students in their career and professional development. We believe that our outreach sessions empower and increase one's awareness of a range of subjects – from application processes for different academic and research pursuits to scholarship programs in different universities worldwide. With the help of distinguished speakers (volunteering and sharing their expertise in the field of education/research), we invest in year-round outreach sessions and engage our students, hoping to inspire them to reach for their dreams, work beyond their limitations, and open up their imaginations. We have proactively organized academic/research-oriented outreach sessions and awareness programs on health and societal issues, like mental health, lifestyle diseases, etc. We make sure that all these sessions are publicly available on our YouTube channel (JKScientistsǀYouTube) for a wider reach and viewership. These programs have a significant impact on our society. We welcome ideas for new sessions and speakers. If you have an interesting topic in mind or interesting speakers to nominate, or if you want to self-nominate as a speaker, please email us at