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Aisha Hamid is a PhD student at the University of New Mexico. She studies the cellular and molecular pathways leading to the generation of neural diversity during the development and establishment of neural connectivity, in the model system Drosophila melanogaster. Previously, Aisha studied the molecular mechanism of a non-enzymatic post-translational modification in eukaryotes, known as pyrophosphorylation with Dr. Rashna Bhandari at CDFD, Hyderabad. Aisha also studied orthologs of a peptidoglycan hydrolase in Gram-negative bacteria with Dr. Manjula Reddy at CCMB.

Aisha thinks she has been fortunate to be connected to some eminent mentors throughout her journey, who are now her inspiration behind serving at JKScientists and its initiatives and pay it forward. At JKScientists Aisha leads the SPECTRUM Journal Club program. You can write to reach out to Aisha at